First Name
Last Name
What business or service are you hoping to promote with your images?
Do you have any products, rooms, or locations you'd like me to include in the photos or video footage?
What is your style? (Casual, businesslike, fun?) What mood do you want to convey in your images and/or video?
What message do you have for your potential visitors? This does not have to be eloquent or fleshed out, but it will help me figure out what kind of copy we will want for your video/interview. I actually have a degree in copy writing/editing and can help you really make this statement sound great. But don't worry, we will also make sure it sounds like you. But the more information you can give me here, the better! A few sentences, a paragraph, whatever you can think of.
What type of images are you hoping for? Don't worry! I will have ideas as well and we will figure everything out together during the session, but if you have ideas, I'd love to hear them! You can include a shot wish list, or even send me a Pinterest board with ideas if you'd like.
Are there any concerns or requests you have about your appearance in the photos? (Things you are self conscious about, or even a certain mood you'd like me to capture, for example.) We will work together to make you look your best and just like YOU, but I want you to be as comfortable during the session and as happy with the result as possible. So lay it all on me!
Anything else you'd like me to know or be prepared for?