April 2021 Blog Circle | Lines
Well, turns out my little Jane and I went to the beach. We just HAD to get out of town, and we just HAD to see the ocean. And that is where I felt like I would shoot ALL the lines. I had quite the adventure with the random cameras and film stocks I took with me, and basically shot the same subjects over and over in different ways. So, how did I interpret “lines” this month? Horizon lines, ocean lines, the lines of a pier, lines of umbrellas, lines in the sand, lines in the sky, lines of palm trees, and lines on a beach towel. All the lines leading us to rest and sun and beachy goodness. Lines of love from my camera to my daughter. Lines of possibility for the future stretched out over the sea.
Got a little sappy, but that’s how it went this month. I really, really needed to see the ocean.
Stocks and Cameras: Kodak Ektar on Sprocket Rocket (which I forgot to turn off of bulb mode at the end). Portra 160, Ektar, Ektachrome expired and cross-processed on Holga. Ektachrome, Color Plus, and Fuji Superia 400 souped in 35mm.
OH! Bonus XS-70 Polaroids from my b-day when I got home!
When you’re done here, go see the lines captured by the amazing Jen Stamps.